Table Tennis Shopping
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.
Phone: +225.335.3570
Club-Play Location:
Forest Community Park
13900 S. Harrells Ferry Rd.
Baton Rouge, LA 70816
see map
Wednesdays: 5:30–9:00 PM
Sundays: 1:00–5:00 PM
Table tennis is a low-risk game, compared to other popular sports like soccer, basketball, wrestling, or running. There is less likelihood of injuries because table tennis does not put a lot of strain on your joints.
Instead, it strengthens your core, arms and legs. This makes it an ideal game that offers physical therapy to individuals who have twisted their ankles, players who have issues with their back and wrists, and people who have had knee surgery. Since in most cases you can play table tennis irrespective of your fitness level, it is also a great option for the elderly.
Table tennis is a fast-paced game. You have to keep your eye on your opponent as well as the ball and its trajectory as it moves across the ping pong table, so you can hit it back. To succeed in table tennis,
you require fast reaction and overall body coordination which includes hand-eye coordination. This means you have to be mentally alert and aware of your environment. These coordination benefits of playing table tennis will also be noticeable in your everyday life as the game sharpens your reflexes and develops your concentration skills and tactical strategy.
Brain training Another benefit of playing table tennis is that it trains your brain by stimulating different parts simultaneously. It achieves this by developing your strategic thinking as you predict your opponent’s shots
and then plan or react to moves in split seconds. Secondly, the aerobic exercise resulting from the game promotes blood flow to the brain and improves our memory by stimulating the part responsible for our learning and long-term retention of information. This can help to ward off or to alleviate dementia. This promotes cognitive awareness and your motor skills.
During a table tennis match, players should be able to quickly change direction. This requires you to have balance as you coordinate your movements to maintain a stable posture while generating sufficient force for your shots.
The table tennis health benefits of improved balance, agility and flexibility make the game suitable for old players, too.
The speed, strength, running, jumping, and the stretching and bending of muscles when playing table tennis offers a great cardiovascular workout that burns off 272 calories for a 150-pound player in a gaming session of one hour.
It is a fun way of burning fat, developing your flexibility and toning your back, abdominal muscles, arms and legs. The amount of calories you will burn will depend on your age, sex, volume of muscle, level of fitness, and your intensity when playing table tennis.
What makes table tennis very aerobic is that it is a game of power and speed, and it engages both the upper and lower parts of the body, therefore giving your entire body a workout. There is plenty of footwork involved
as you run around during the whole session. You will also be stretching your hands, changing limb movement, and bending your body to reach and hit the ball. . Twisting the side abdominal muscles laterally strengthens the core, continuously hitting the ball with powerful shots invigorates the arms and shoulders, and running fast after the ball tones up your legs and joints
able tennis is often compared to solving crossword puzzles or playing chess because it promotes metal acuity. You have to constantly make quick decisions on your moves based on the placement, spin and speed of the ball.
This requires concentration, precision, alertness, speed, coordination, flexibility, and proper analysis of your opponent’s moves. These are some benefits of playing table tennis that equip you with dynamic skills that you can incorporate in your daily life
Table tennis is one of the few sports that do not limit participants due to age, gender, disability, or skill level. The elderly, obese and players with health issues can enjoy table tennis health benefits such as improved alertness, memory, mental acuity
and concentration as well as the physical benefits of tennis like quick reflexes, toned body, weight loss, and coordination. It is a fun pastime that both the old and young participants can enjoy.
The rapid and constant movements and the quick reactions and instant adjustments that table tennis players have to make can improve their reflexes. They get the physical benefits of tennis in form of muscle development and muscle movement.
A $25 donation is required to play, however any additional donation is greatly appreciated. All donations are tax deductible!
Check back soon for instructions on how to pay the entry fee. We will provide detailed payment options and deadlines shortly. Stay tuned!
if you are registering, be sure to skip the $7.00 fee. The cost should be $45, with an option to purchase a t-shirt for $14-$16